Friday, September 22, 2017

Fighting Breaks Out at Turkish President's Speech in New York and other top stories.

  • Fighting Breaks Out at Turkish President's Speech in New York

    Fighting Breaks Out at Turkish President's Speech in New York
    Halil Demir, a Turkish-American who works for a humanitarian organization, said he had been standing near the back of the room when three protesters stood up in rapid succession: a young man, a young woman and a middle-aged man. The woman held a green banner, Mr. Demir said. Ms. Bodette identified it as the flag of the Women’s Protection Units, or Y.P.J., the female counterpart to the Y.P.G.The young man was pulled out of the room, Mr. Demir said, and the woman left on her own after being told ..
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  • Black Detectives in New York Were Bypassed for Promotions, Panel ...

    Black Detectives in New York Were Bypassed for Promotions, Panel ...
    The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission found last year that the promotions process systematically stymied black detectives in the Intelligence Division, leaving them with less pay, power and prestige than their similarly qualified white counterparts. The commission, which enforces discrimination laws, ruled that a “wholly subjective and secret process” caused black detectives to receive “lesser and later opportunities for promotion consistent with their qualifications.”But those fi..
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  • Amazon is bringing 2000 jobs in advertising, fashion to New York City

    Amazon is bringing 2000 jobs in advertising, fashion to New York City
    Amazon is growing in New York City. The internet giant announced Thursday that it plans to bring more than 2,000 jobs to the city over the next three years, promising to create roughly 6,000 jobs across New York state by 2019. Next year, Amazon will open a new office in Manhattan, which will be located aside the giant Hudson Yards development project. The company said this is all part of its "ongoing job creation efforts." Amazon will take 360,000 square feet of space at Brookfield's 5 Manhatt..
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  • Skadden, Big New York Law Firm, Faces Questions on Work With ...

    Skadden, Big New York Law Firm, Faces Questions on Work With ...
    Its conclusions provided a counterpoint to international critics who said that Mr. Yanukovych’s government had prosecuted and convicted the former Ukrainian prime minister, Yulia V. Tymoshenko, on corruption charges in 2011 for political reasons and without sufficient evidence.That kind of international consulting by American firms traditionally has not drawn much scrutiny from regulators or the media, but that has changed in the last year, thanks largely to Mr. Manafort’s role as Mr. Trump’s c..
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  • New York City leaders respond to Hurricane Maria

    New York City leaders respond to Hurricane Maria
    NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- Thursday morning at New York City Hall Mayor Bill de Blasio and other elected officials offered an emotional and practical response to what's happening in Puerto Rico. San Juan is New York City's sister city and 700,000 Puerto Ricans lives in the five boroughs.City Council Speaker Mellissa Mark-Viverito said she's been able to briefly talk with her mother in Puerto Rico, but she doesn't know about other family members and she's worried. "To say this is a trying time is a..
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  • Facebook to Turn Over Russian-Linked Ads to Congress

    Facebook to Turn Over Russian-Linked Ads to Congress
    For Facebook, the move to work with the congressional committees underscored how far the social network has strayed from being a mere technology company and how it has increasingly had to deal with the unintended consequences of the tools it provides to reach the more than two billion people who use the site regularly. The company became more proactive in deflecting criticism this week, with its chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, describing on Wednesday the steps Facebook would take to s..
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  • Aaron Hernandez Found to Have Severe CTE

    Aaron Hernandez Found to Have Severe CTE
    The league had already faced public relations problems after other high-profile players were found to have C.T.E., including Junior Seau, Ken Stabler and Frank Gifford. Mr. Seau — along with Dave Duerson, Andre Waters and Ray Easterling, among others — killed himself. 111 N.F.L. Brains. All But One Had C.T.E. A neuropathologist has examined the brains of 111 N.F.L. players — and 110 were found to have C.T.E., the degenerative disease linked to re..
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  • Trump Moves to Widen US Sanctions on North Korea

    Trump Moves to Widen US Sanctions on North Korea
    Mr. Kim, however, signaled no such openness. In a statement, he denounced Mr. Trump as a “rogue and gangster fond of playing with fire” and said that rather than deter him, Mr. Trump’s speech had convinced him that “the path I chose is correct and that it is the one I have to follow to the last.” He vowed retribution: “I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire.”Mr. Kim on Friday vowed the “highest level of hard-line countermeasure,” in response to Mr. Trump’s..
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  • Visiting New York City's last horse stables

    Visiting New York City's last horse stables
    It wasn't all that long ago that transportation in New York City meant horses. Coaches, carriages, trolleys, omnibuses—all were dependent on teams of working ...
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  • 'College GameDay' heads to hotbed of collegiate pageantry ... New ...

    'College GameDay' heads to hotbed of collegiate pageantry ... New ...
    Have you heard?The Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest has relocated to Paris. "Duck Dynasty" will be filming on location in the Hamptons. And Masters officials are deciding between Iceland and Tasmania for 2018.A little extreme?Yeah, probably. But this reflects some of the reaction to news that ESPN's "College GameDay," which happens to be America's greatest pregame show, will shoot this weekend in New York City. Times Square, to be exact. ESPNU/Sirius XM radio host Mark Packer tweeted: "Love 'G..
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BMW tumbles off seven-story parking garage, nearly crushes SUV .Trump Alarms Venezuela With Talk of a 'Military Option' .
10 Things to Do in NYC Now .10 Things to Do in NYC Now .

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