Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bratislava EU meeting: Merkel says bloc in 'critical situation' and other top stories.

  • Bratislava EU meeting: Merkel says bloc in 'critical situation'

    Bratislava EU meeting: Merkel says bloc in 'critical situation'
    Media captionCitizens from Ireland, Latvia, the UK, France, Lithuania, and Germany give the BBC their views on the future of the European Union The European Union is in a "critical situation", the German chancellor has said, as leaders meet in Slovakia to discuss ways to regain trust after the UK's vote to leave the bloc.Angela Merkel said they needed to show they could improve on security, defence co-operation and the economy.But EU countries are deeply divided over how to bolster growth a..
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  • Former Italian President and Premier Ciampi Dies at 95

    Former Italian President and Premier Ciampi Dies at 95
    MILAN รข€” Former Italian Prime Minister and President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, a highly respected economist who helped usher in the euro as treasury minister, died on Friday. He was 95.Ciampi's death, after a long illness, was confirmed by the Italian Senate, where he served as senator for life. The senator had been hospitalized in recent days at the Pio XI hospital in Rome after his condition had worsened, news agency ANSA reported, citing Ciampi's doctor. No other details were provided.Ciampi s..
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  • Court approves US request to extradite Briton suspected of hacking FBI, ...

    Court approves US request to extradite Briton suspected of hacking FBI, ...
    LONDON A court in London on Friday approved the extradition of a British man to the United States to face trial for hacking high-security state computers, despite warnings he might kill himself if sent to a U.S. jail. Lauri Love, 32, who has Asperger's syndrome, faces a lifetime in prison in the United States if found guilty of involvement in a series of hacks in 2012 and 2013 into computers at agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. army, the Missile Defense Ag..
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  • US Special Forces to Aid Turkish Troops in Syria

    US Special Forces to Aid Turkish Troops in Syria
    WASHINGTON—The U.S. has agreed to send about 40 special-operations troops to work alongside Turkish forces to fight Islamic State in northern Syria, U.S. officials said. It is the first time American special-operations forces will work with the Turkish military in Syria, in a move seen by U.S. officials as a way to strengthen the relationship with an ally in the fight against Islamic State militants. The troops are expected to be...
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  • Swedish appeals court upholds detention order for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

    Swedish appeals court upholds detention order for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
    A Swedish appeals court on Friday upheld a detention order for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, dismissing the latest attempt by the 45-year-old Australian to make prosecutors drop a rape investigation from 2010.The decision by the Svea Court of Appeal means that the arrest warrant stands for the 45-year-old computer hacker, who has avoided extradition to Sweden by seeking shelter at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London since 2012. Assange, who denies the rape allegation, has challenged the deten..
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  • Analysis: New UKIP leader's tough challenge

    Analysis: New UKIP leader's tough challenge
    Image copyright AFP The last time UKIP delegates met in the brown brick conference centre overlooking Bournemouth beach, the party was in a very different place.It was 2008, before its momentous first victory in the European polls, before it won some four million votes and its first MP at last year's general election.Before Nigel Farage resigned then returned within a week and before the referendum and the party's moment of glory - the UK's decision to vote to leave the EU.After such a run,..
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  • Islamic State-inspired Briton guilty of murdering imam

    Islamic State-inspired Briton guilty of murdering imam
    LONDON A British Muslim was found guilty on Friday of being inspired by the militant Islamic State group to help murder a respected local imam who he believed was practicing "black magic".Mohammed Syeedy, 21, and accomplice Mohammed Abdul Kadir followed their victim Jalal Uddin as he walked home from evening prayers at his mosque in Rochdale, northern England, in February and bludgeoned him to death in a park.Police said Syeedy was believed to have acted as the getaway driver while Kadir, who ..
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  • Between reckless ally and old rival, China in a bind over North Korea

    Between reckless ally and old rival, China in a bind over North Korea
    By Benjamin Kang Lim and Michelle Nichols | BEIJING/UNITED NATIONS BEIJING/UNITED NATIONS China is in a bind over what to do about North Korea's stepped-up nuclear and missile tests, even though it is annoyed with its ally and has started talks with other U.N. Security Council members on a new sanctions resolution against Pyongyang.China shares a long land border with North Korea and is seen as the only country with real power to bring about change in the isolated and belligerent nation. How..
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  • Pakistan mosque: Suicide attack leaves 25 dead

    Pakistan mosque: Suicide attack leaves 25 dead
    Story highlightsThe attack took place at one of the biggest mosques in Mohmand AgencyThe group claiming responsibility has carried out several major attacks in Pakistan this yearJamaat-ul-Ahra, a splinter group of the Pakistani Taliban, has claimed responsibility for the bombing that also injured 34 people, according to the group's spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan. The attack took place at one of the biggest mosques in Mohmand Agency, a district in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas north..
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  • Florida cops arrest22 suspected child predators in internet sting

    Florida cops arrest22 suspected child predators in internet sting
    The Pensacola Police Department (PPD), with the help of other law enforcement agencies, have arrested 22 men during a sex sting called “Operation Undertow.” This internet sting took place on September 7 to 11. The PPD used undercover agents to pose ...
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