Saturday, August 27, 2016

Stormy 'weather bomb' reveals Earth's geological secrets and other top stories.

  • Stormy 'weather bomb' reveals Earth's geological secrets

    Stormy 'weather bomb' reveals Earth's geological secrets
    For the first time ever, a team of scientists in Japan has detected a rare kind of earthquake on the ocean floor.Microseisms are faint earthquake tremors caused by “the sloshing of the ocean’s waves on the solid Earth floor during storms,” the American Association for the Advancement of Science explains in a press release. And there are two kinds of microseisms: P-wave microseisms (the faint tremors that animals can detect before an earthquake), which have been charted before, and S-wave micros..
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  • Florida's Not Blue Yet

    Florida's Not Blue Yet
    The 2016 Presidential race is about to turn into the final stretch run, and the Sunshine State is again going to be a major player in the final outcome. As a born and raised Floridian here in Tampa, I will explore some important nuisances I believe will determine the Florida vote.  First, there is little motivation to put too much stock in any polling from here before the Labor Day break. Until we start receiving post-Labor Day numbers based on likely voters and not just registered voters,..
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  • SpaceX's biggest rival is developing “space trucks” to ferry cargo in an orbital economy

    SpaceX's biggest rival is developing “space trucks” to ferry cargo in an orbital economy
    The big kahuna of American rocket companies is the United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that until this year held a monopoly on the lucrative business of launching rockets for the US Air Force. But that monopoly is no more. The company faces a new era of competition as Elon Musk’s maturing SpaceX aims to fly more space missions in one year than ULA does, and as Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin breaks ground on a new factory for orbital rockets. ULA, for its part, isn’t s..
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  • Obama creates the largest protected place on the planet, in Hawaii

    Obama creates the largest protected place on the planet, in Hawaii
    President Obama on Friday created the largest ecologically protected area on the planet when he expanded a national marine monument in his native Hawaii to encompass more than half a million square miles. The president more than quadrupled the size of the Papahanaumokuakea (pronounced “Papa-ha-now-moh-koo-ah-kay-ah”) Marine National Monument to 582,578 square miles of land and sea in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. President George W. Bush established the monument a decade ago, but Obama’s a..
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Glencore Says $395 Million Coal Loss Isn't Trading Bet Gone Bad .New York Region Swings Into Action on Zika .
Tableau names ex-Amazon exec as its new CEO .Arts|10 Things to Do Now in NYC .

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