Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturn Reigns Over June's Night Sky: How and When to See It and other top stories.

  • Saturn Reigns Over June's Night Sky: How and When to See It

    Saturn Reigns Over June's Night Sky: How and When to See It
    Saturn is in opposition on June 3 in Ophiuchus. Being directly opposite the Sun, it is visible all night. The rings are spread wide, making it a beautiful sight in any telescope. Credit: Starry Night Software If May was "Mars month," then June certainly belongs to Saturn. Here's how to see the brightest planets in June's night sky. Skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere currently have three bright planets in view. All are "superior planets," strictly defined as any of the planets whos..
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  • Rare 'Baby Dragons' Recorded Hatching in Ancient Slovenian Cave

    Rare 'Baby Dragons' Recorded Hatching in Ancient Slovenian Cave
    Two "baby dragons" have been recorded hatching for the first time in a remote cave in Slovenia only accessible by an underground train. No, these "baby dragons" aren't the fire-breathing kind you're probably thinking of. They're olms — an ancient ...
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  • Gorgeous 'Twilight Zone' Photo of Pluto May Show Cloud for 1st Time

    Gorgeous 'Twilight Zone' Photo of Pluto May Show Cloud for 1st Time
    This backlit Pluto photo was captured on July 14, 2015 by NASA’s New Horizons probe, shortly after its closest approach to the dwarf planet. Mountains, ice plains and a possible cloud are visible in the sunlit portion of the photo (top inset), while rugged topography is apparent on Pluto’s dark side (bottom inset). Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI A spectacular new image of Pluto shows rugged mountains, nitrogen-ice plains and, perhaps, a big cloud scudding through the dwarf planet's exotic skie..
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  • Team testing new scanner on Egypt's Great Pyramid

    Team testing new scanner on Egypt's Great Pyramid
    CAIRO — What mysteries might still be hidden under Egypt's pyramids? A team accompanied by Egypt's former antiquities minister and famed archaeologist Zahi Hawass are testing a new scanner on the Great Pyramid of Giza, hoping that modern technology could help unlock ancient secrets buried deep beneath the stone. The scanner, which uses subatomic particles known as muons to examine the 4,500 year-old burial structure, was first set up at the site last year and will complete its data collection t..
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  • This 'ancient city' below the sea wasn't built by humans

    This 'ancient city' below the sea wasn't built by humans
    The "pillars" are actually the work of industrious microbes. (University of Athens) When tourists snorkeling near the Greek isle of Zakynthos first spotted mysterious structures about 20 feet under the sea, they thought they might have stumbled upon a lost city. And you can't blame them: The site features what appear to be clusters of cobblestones and symmetrical stone cylinders with Hellenic flair. It's easy to see the waterlogged structures and imagine a bustling square full of artists an..
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  • Study suggests dogs first appeared in 2 places in Eurasia

    Study suggests dogs first appeared in 2 places in Eurasia
    NEW YORK (AP) — The long-debated question of where dogs first appeared has always been complex, and now a new study suggests it may have two answers. Dogs arose from the domestication of wolves, and the study suggests this happened twice, once in Asia and also in either Europe or the Near East. “We were slightly surprised,” since domestic animals usually have a single origin, said Oxford University’s Laurent Frantz, the study’s lead author. The paper, released Thursday in the journal Science, u..
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  • Black Peppered Moths Bizaare Color Attributed to Industrial Revolution

    Black Peppered Moths Bizaare Color Attributed to Industrial Revolution
    Jun 03, 2016 04:41 AM EDT Ever wondered where the black peppered moth got its color? Apparently, this winged creature is keeping a dark secret. According to Smithsonian, the black peppered moth originally sports a white and black color. However, over the years, these moths shed their white pigments and turned completely black. Two studies published in the journal Nature reveal that the cause of this sudden change in pigmentation is industrialization. One of the studies discovered that the ch..
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  • 39 Unreported Sources of Air Pollution Discovered

    39 Unreported Sources of Air Pollution Discovered
    Analyzing nine years' worth of data collected by NASA’s satellite Aura, U.S. and Canadian scientists have discovered 39 unreported major sources of sulfur dioxide. Clusters of coal-burning power plants, smelters, and other oil and gas installations were located mostly in Middle Eastern countries but also in Mexico and Russia. The scientists also said that reported emissions from known sources were sometimes much lower than estimates based on satellite-gathered data. Environment and Climate Cha..
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  • Blue Origin clearing land for massive rocket factory

    Blue Origin clearing land for massive rocket factory
    Blue Origin launched and landed their reusable New Shepard rocket booster for the third time from their west Texas launch site on Saturday. The test flight carried a UCF experiment. Blue OriginBuy PhotoLand in Kennedy Space Center's Exploration Park off Space Commerce Way is being cleared to make way for Blue Origin's rocket factory.(Photo: MALCOLM DENEMARK/FLORIDA TODAY)Buy PhotoBulldozers and excavators this week continued clearing land at Kennedy Space Center’s Exploration Park where..
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Famous peppered moth's dark secret revealed .US consumer spending increase strongest in over six years .
Bear tracked and killed after scratching Arriola resident .John McEnroe a Coach? You Cannot Be Serious! .

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