Saturday, November 7, 2015

Last Top Stories: Drought Adds Wrinkle to 'Rain Room' Exhibit in California

  • Drought Adds Wrinkle to 'Rain Room' Exhibit in California

    Photo“Rain Room” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, where it opened last week. The installation, which attracted long lines in New York two years ago, uses motion sensors to allow visitors to walk slowly through a downpour without getting wet.CreditMonica Almeida/The New York TimesLOS ANGELES — For Southern Californians struggling through the worst drought in the history of the state, relief may finally be here — or at least a sprinkle of relief. Rain has arrived, but it is confined to a 2,500-square-foot windowless room in a museum exhibition on the Miracle Mile, open to a handful of people who are let in for precisely 15 minutes to experience it in all its soaking, spritzing glory.“..
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  • King County library team takes on New York in book-sorting race | The Seattle Times

    A King County Library System crew competes on Tuesday against a gang of New York City library workers to see who’s got the world’s fastest library-sorting system. It’s a pride thing.NEW YORK — On Tuesday, Salvatore Magaddino will crank up the “Rocky” theme song and deliver a pep talk. His crew will then have one hour to defend the city’s title as home to “the world’s fastest library-sorting system” (at least according to the trophy) and to break its 2-2 tie with a squad from the King County Library System of Washington state.“The adrenaline is outta control,” Magaddino said.Magaddino, a former captain in the New York Police Department, once investigated major crimes and coordinated security ..
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  • Lily Howard, Conrad Scott

    Lily Ethel Cushing Howard, a daughter of Alexandra Cushing Howard and Philip K. Howard of New York, was married Saturday evening to Samuel Conrad Scott, the son of Elizabeth S. Scott and Karl A. Scott of Madison, Ga. The Rev. Thomas F. Pike, an Episcopal priest, performed the ceremony at St. George’s Chapel in New York.Mrs. Scott, 28, teaches a combined third- and fourth-grade class at the Sequoyah School, an elementary and middle school in Pasadena, Calif. She graduated from Northwestern University and received a master’s degree in literacy and elementary education from the Bank Street College of Education.Her father, who works in New York, is senior counsel at the Washington law firm Covin..
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  • Bronx Teacher Accused of Sexting, Propositioning Student

    Authorities are accusing a Bronx teacher of offering to pay a student for sex and sending her lewd photos and video of himself. The 33-year-old teacher, Henry Bueno, was arrested on charges of criminal solicitation, endangering the welfare of a child and obscenity. When a News 4 New York reporter went to his door seeking comment, no one answered. According to the criminal complaint, the victim received a text message from Bueno offering her $100 for oral sex or $150 f..
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  • The Quiet Comeback of Margaret Trudeau

    The Quiet Comeback of Margaret Trudeau
    Ottawa — On Wednesday, Justin Trudeautook the oath of office as the new prime minister of Canada, accompanied by his wife and three small children — and a woman in a dark blue coat that many people in the country may not have seen much of in recent years but who remains an indelible character in Canadian political history: his mother.Justin’s father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, is still, 15 years after his death, the only former Canadian prime minister most people from outside the country can probably name. And Margaret Trudeau still reigns as the most famous wife of a Canadian prime minister.Less than half the prime minister’s age when they married in 1971, Ms. Trudeau, suddenly went from being..
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  • Sweet Home Mississippi

    PhotoPo’ Monkey’s juke joint in Merigold, Miss.CreditMartyn Goddard/CorbisPLUTO, MISS. — TO move from Lower Manhattan to rural Mississippi is probably the most extreme culture shock available in this country. To do it as an Englishman adds an extra twist. But I fell in love with an old farmhouse while visiting a friend in the Mississippi Delta, bought it for next to nothing, in New York terms, and persuaded my girlfriend, Mariah, to move there with me.I could keep working as a freelance journalist and maybe get a book out of the experience. She could finish her library science degree online. The city had been grinding us up, and decimating our bank accounts, and we were both ready to live cl..
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  • The Case for Melancholy

    PhotoCreditShannon FreshwaterEverywhere you look these days you see something on how to be happy — how to manifest abundance, desires and success, find your bliss.A quick Google search will produce instantaneous remedies for the blues: the promise that it’s possible to find happiness in 10 or 15 easy steps. Some strategies promise happiness in as few as three steps.Whatever happened to experiencing the grace of melancholy, which requires reflection: a sort of mental steeping, like tea? What if all this cheerful advice only makes you feel inadequate? What if you were born morose?Melancholy, distinguished from grief, is not caused by events, like losing your job, the passing of beloved pets, y..
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  • Volkswagen May Offer Cash to Ease Owners' Ire

    Volkswagen May Offer Cash to Ease Owners' Ire
    PhotoA Volkswagen dealership in London. The company faces lawsuits from owners seeking compensation for the decreased resale value of vehicles equipped with illegal software.CreditSuzanne Plunkett/ReutersFRANKFURT —Volkswagenis expected to offer cash to the owners of diesel cars in the United States this coming week as it steps up an effort to recover some of the good will it lost after admitting in September that the vehicles were programmed to cheat on emissions tests.Volkswagen officials said the company would make an announcement on Monday but would not confirm a report on an automotive website that diesel owners would be offered up to $1,250. The site, The Truth About Cars,said the owne..
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  • Cuban Revolutionaries Hope Their Legacy Won't Fade Away

    Cuban Revolutionaries Hope Their Legacy Won't Fade Away
    PhotoHeriberto Olmo Lora, 79, at his home in Santiago de Cuba, where the fight to overthrow Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship began.CreditDaniel Berehulak for The New York TimesSANTIAGO DE CUBA — In the photograph, the friends stand stripped to their undershirts in the blistering heat, clutching shovels, their faces cast in sepia. The men, hiding in the folds of the Sierra Maestra mountains ofCuba, were fighters in the throes of revolution.“We were digging our own graves,” recalled Heriberto Olmo Lora, holding the faded picture between his thumb and forefinger. “Three died that day, another a few years later in Angola.”More than 60 years have passed since the photograph was taken, in the ear..
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  • Gaps in Egyptian Airport Security Face Scrutiny After Crash

    Gaps in Egyptian Airport Security Face Scrutiny After Crash
    PhotoTourists walked toward the Sharm el Sheikh airport in Egypt.CreditAhmed Abd El-Latif/Associated PressSHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt — The airport is surrounded by a wall topped with barbed wire. Armed sentries are stationed at its entrance, and passengers pass through two security screenings before reaching departure gates; before a recent flight, there were no fewer than eight uniformed guards standing around the checkpoint.But potential inconsistencies inairport securityhere and elsewhere inEgypthave never been hard to detect. As guards at a metal detector here forced a departing passenger recently to throw out a pack of safety razors found in his luggage, an airport cafe worker breezed past..
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