Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Last Top Stories: New York Today: More Ways to Meet the Mets

New York Today: More Ways to Meet the Mets

New York Today: More Ways to Meet the Mets
And even though the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx shares a borough with the team-that-shall-not-be-named, it, too, is marking the beginning of the World Series — with plants, of course. At the garden's Giant Pumpkin Carving Weekend, Ray ...
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6 men arrested after selling weapons to undercover officers in New York

6 men arrested after selling weapons to undercover officers in New York
NEW YORK – Six men who sold more than 70 weapons to undercover detectives in the same New York City area where a policeman was fatally shot last week have been arrested and indicted on conspiracy and gun charges, authorities announced Tuesday.
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Not Invited? No Worries for New York's Party Crashers

Not Invited? No Worries for New York's Party Crashers
New York's private-party scene allows a select few to eat, drink and be entertained for free, often in the company of celebrities. The irony is that while exclusivity is the key to this circuit's appeal, it relies on a constant stream of fresh faces ...
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New York, Kansas City a matchup of polar opposites

New York, Kansas City a matchup of polar opposites
It's 1,208 miles from Kansas City's Kaufmann Stadium to New York's Citi Field where the 111th World Series is currently unfolding. But, in many ways, the distance between the two is vastly greater. •New York, of course, is the largest city in the ...
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It's legal to grab dinner with your dog in New York

It's legal to grab dinner with your dog in New York
ALBANY, N.Y. — Restaurant owners can now allow dogs on their outdoor patios because of a bill signed into law by New York's governor this week. The new law, effective immediately, permits restaurants to allow customers' dogs in outdoor dining areas ...
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Is New York Ready for Another Sandy?

Is New York Ready for Another Sandy?
One clear consequence of Superstorm Sandy, which struck the New York City area in 2012, is that everyone, even climate-change deniers, takes planning for extreme weather events more seriously. After Sandy, I reported on why the region's vital systems ...
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How New York City Made the Modern Marathon

How New York City Made the Modern Marathon
New York's responsibility for the race can be traced to two distinct moments. The first came on November 25, 1908, at the old Madison Square Garden, when two short, lithe men, named Dorando Pietri and Johnny Hayes, raced a marathon indoors. Pietri was ...
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Walgreens to Buy Rite Aid for $9.4 Billion

Walgreens to Buy Rite Aid for $9.4 Billion
As companies throughout the universe of the health care industry accelerate the pace of consolidation, two of the country's biggest drugstore chains have agreed to combine to create a new giant.
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ISIS Captives Say They Faced Blade as Rescue Came

ISIS Captives Say They Faced Blade as Rescue Came
They said that new prisoners were subject to a methodical program of abuse — electrically shocked, beaten with hoses, smothered with plastic bags until they lost consciousness — even without any interrogation questions. Food was meager: pieces of ...
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House Votes Overwhelmingly to Reopen the Ex-Im Bank

House Votes Overwhelmingly to Reopen the Ex-Im Bank
Since then, the bank has been unable to offer new assistance to foreign buyers of American goods, managing only existing claims. But the bank's future may not be resolved until December. The House bill now goes to the Senate, which approved a similar ...
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